How the Atlaswave Consulting Process Works:

 1.       Discover:  First things first, we need to understand your business! During the discovery phase, we’ll gather data from invoices and billing records, inventories, contracts and escalations.  We’ll also focus on determining your goals and objectives.

  • Define goals

  • Determine challenges

  • Build requirements

  • Create budgets

  • Set timeframe

2.       Assess:  During the assessment phase, we will take information gathered from the discovery phase and identify opportunities for increased efficiency and cost-savings.

  • Audit invoices

  • Create inventory

  • Research marketplace

  • Evaluate providers

  • Future-proof solutions

3.       Design:  During the design phase, we will advise, design, build and demonstrate potential solutions and detail provider capabilities.

  • Engineer and demonstrate solutions

  • Select provider finalists

  • Select solutions

  • Finalize design

4.       Deploy: During the deployment phase, our team will assist with selecting provider finalists, negotiating pricing and contracts, project management through to installation.

  • Negotiate contracts

  • Place orders

  • Project management

  • Installation

  • Testing

5.       Support:  During the support phase, we will assist on account management, billing disputes and trouble tickets.  It’s additional levels of support above what’s provided by the provider.

  • Account management

  • Contract renewals

  • Trouble ticket escalations

  • Billing dispute escalations

  • Ongoing technology assessments

Atlaswave is focused on providing our customers additional support to aide in your technology needs from beginning to end. Technology is only a part of the solution. As Steve Jobs once said, “What’s important is that you have a faith in people, that they’re basically good and smart, and if you give them tools, they’ll do wonderful things with them.” We feel the same way and want to add value by being a part of the solution.